Improving Patient Care and Experiences – John


Engaging in research activities has influenced John’s approach to his own healthcare management


I’m much more involved in terms of what’s going on with me and what’s happening and where’s the process? And also for my wife and family and – right? So I get more involved in that process.

Interviewer: What does that mean? Do you challenging –

Yeah, I’m not afraid to speak up. I’ll want to know some things. My wife’s about to undergo a procedure and I was very clear about, you know what? ‘You need to ask these questions because here’s the research and it’s not good. And, so let’s get to your doctor and raise those kind of questions’, right? And I’m not sure at one time I would have spoken up around that, right? And I think oftentimes the public, especially as I begin to explore more and more chronic disease, is I think the public is that things just happen to you and you really have no control over. When in fact you have total control. And so how do you get people to that process of knowing that you do have control and you can have input and you do have a voice? Right? And you also have to take responsibility.


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